ESO Reactive Power for Voltage Control pilot project

Decarbonization | Digitalization | Distribution network


With increasing numbers of renewable power generation in low voltage grid, prosumers can cause some voltage quality consistency problems during peak hours. As well as long low voltage lines can have issues with load at different phases during different periods.


Increasing and decreasing voltages in low voltage network may be caused by irregularities in users electricity usage (load) together with different generation profiles. Network operator must ensure that voltage quality is kept within standard ranges, different solutions might be adapted for this reason.


ESO is testing new voltage regulation technologies, which would allow to flexibly manage voltage in electricity distribution networks. The tested system automatically regulates voltage in each phase of electricity network separately by using voltage regulators. If necessary, the voltage in the network can be increased or decreased, thus ensuring a seamless operation of consumers’ devices. By performing the pilot project, the company is looking for the most innovative solutions world-wide to apply them in Lithuania.

EcoVAR solution – low voltage static compensator (STATCOM) was tested in this project. To control voltage it is using reactive power and this device that can improve voltage swells and sags (180-270V operating range). Such solution helps clients with PV installations and voltage quality problems on long overhead lines.


The solution was successfully tested and is being scaled up, ESO plans to acquire selected amount of devices and use it in locations with problematic voltage.