Lietuvos Energija is one of the founders of the Cleantech Cluster

Lietuvos Energija is one of the founders of the Cleantech Cluster

Posted by Paulius Kozlovas
An agreement on the establishment of the Lithuanian Clean Technology Cluster was signed, with 25 companies, state and research institutions and other organizations to take part in its implementation. By pooling knowledge and experience from different areas, cluster members plan to cooperate in creating and developing clean technologies and sustainable business solutions. “With a growing global concern for climate change and impact of human activities on the environment, clean technologies have been gaining an increasing importance in both business activities of companies and everyday life of people. By establishing a clean technology cluster, we want to encourage the cooperation of different business, research and public organizations in the search for solutions, creation and implementation of innovations, ultimately strengthening the image of the entire country in the field of clean technologies”, – said Laima Kaušpadienė, Director of the Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park, which coordinates the new cluster. According to L. Kaušpadienė, clean technologies include any process, product or service, which reduces adverse an impact on the environment through increased energy efficiency, sustainable use of resources and environmental activities. These may be technologies related to the recycling of secondary raw materials, renewable energy sources, green transport, energy saving lighting solutions or smart building management systems. Switching to green generation and implementing other environmentally friendly solutions is one of the goals of Lietuvos Energija Group. The strategic goal of Lietuvos Energija is to become one of the most innovative energy companies in the world. In addition, we strive for innovation and clean technology to bring direct benefit for Lithuania. Participation in the establishment of the clean technology cluster and cooperation with research institutions and business are clear steps towards the achievement of the goals laid down in the strategy”, says Darius Maikštėnas, the Chairman of the Board and CEO of Lietuvos Energija. 4 cluster members, namely, Lietuvos Energija, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius University and the cluster coordinator “Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park” signed a contract on the establishment of a clean technology cluster. In total, 25 organizations are involved in the cluster - from schools of higher education, research institutions, business enterprises to business associations. The cluster is open to new members, and other organizations are expected to join it in the future, contributing to the creation and development of innovations in this area. Similar clean technology clusters operate in many advanced countries. The cluster aims to make Lithuania the leader in clean technologies in the Baltic States. The performance of cluster activities will enhance the integration of clean technology areas and interdisciplinarity. The plan is to search for high value-added solutions in the field of clean technologies through research and development, while the creation and implementation of innovation will increase the international competitiveness of both individual cluster members and the entire clean technology sector. In early October, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change called for active measures to stop global warming. According to scientists, in order to prevent an even more intense climate change, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere should be reduced almost twice over the next decade, and 85% of all electricity should be generated from renewable energy sources. Since 2015, the cluster initiator Saulėtekis Valley Science and Technology Park has held a national selection for the global competition Climate Launchpad. It is the largest international competition for green business ideas, which is searching for innovative clean technology ideas, while the best projects receive support for further development. Members of the cleantech cluster include: the Public Institution Saulėtekis Valley Science and Technology Park (the coordinator of the cluster), Lietuvos Energija UAB, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius University, Klaipėda University, the Public Institution Baltic Environmental Forum, Lithuanian Energy Institute, UAB Rokvesta, UAB Birštono Mineraliniai Vandenys, UAB Eksponentė, UAB Bioversija, UAB Ineco, UAB Rekin, UAB Saulės Grąža, UAB Super Solem, UAB Saulės Vėjo Aruodai, UAB Soli Tek Cells, UAB Solet Technics, UAB Mes Darom, the Public Institution Susivienijimas ŽALI.LT, UAB Insectum, the Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association Litbioma, the Public Institution Žiedinė Ekonomika, the Public Institution Žaliasis Taškas and the Public Institution Žaliosios Politikos Institutas. More information about Ignitis group

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