Ignitis Innovation Hub releases new Open Data sets

Posted by Karolis Mirinavičius
IGNITIS INOOVATION HUB IS EXPANDING - the provision of access to more new and various data sets in relation to development of its Open Data initiative. In addition, to renewable energy theme, the portfolio has recently been updated with information about the energy consumption patterns and electric vehicle charging sessions in Lithuania. Energy consumption by building type Electricity consumption may largely vary depending on the type and purpose of a building as well as its energy class and the level of occupancy. While aggregated data may be useful to analyse general patterns and changes in energy consumption it is usually not sufficient to identify patterns that are specific to living quarters, commercially active or public buildings. In order to add specificity Ignitis innovation hub has recently released data about the consumption of electricity by building type. The data set consists of 3 apartment building yearly electricity consumption series, 3 commercial type buildings and 2 public type buildings (i.e. schools).
  1. Apartment buildings selected are built between 2016-2017 and are of energy efficiency category A – this is the primary type of apartment blocks being recently built in Lithuania. Apartments blocks vary by size from 48 apartments per building to 119.
  2. Commercial buildings selected activity type is supermarkets – these also vary by size from 1903sq.m. to 4430sq.m. and are built between 2011 and 2016, therefore, represent a typical picture of most supermarkets built in Lithuania in the past decade.
  3. Lastly, 2 school profiles of yearly electricity consumption are added. Schools have a very specific and quite distinct profile due to specific utilization of buildings and could be an interesting case for data analysis for different purposes.
Overall, this particular data set could be useful for analysis of energy consumption, renewable energy source implementation opportunities and development of energy efficiency solutions in Lithuania. Electric vehicle (EV) charging sessions As an operator of the largest EV charging network in Lithuania (Ignitis On) Ignitis is able to provide access to data being collected from individual charging points. The data set consists of 13 Ignitis EV charging locations (anonymized) and features a very recent 11 month period (2020.01 – 11) EV charging session data (start and finish time of a session, duration and type of connector used). For standardization purposes all charging locations utilize same model of fast chargers (Efacec QC45 SD 1.6-J). This data could be particularly useful in data analytics operations relating to EV product and service development and implementation in Lithuania. Ignitis innovation hub Open Data access In case you have any questions regarding Ignitis open data initiatives or other sandbox opportunities please contact us at [email protected] or find all Open Data sets Here. Want to discuss further? Contact me – Karolis Prepared by Ignitis Group Innovation Project Manager - Karolis Mirinavičius

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