ESO joins OneNet project

Posted by Ina Vaitiekutė

OneNet (One Network for Europe) project, funded by the biggest European Research and Innovation financing program Horizon 2020, unites 70 different partners from 22 European countries and among them there are two Lithuanian energy companies – ESO and LitGrid.

OneNet has received funding under the topic of “TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation”. The project has kicked-off in October 2020 and its scheduled to be completed in 3 years. During this period, OneNet will try to create bases for united electricity network across the Europe by offering novel products, services, markets and developing new IT architecture. OneNet will seek to propose mechanisms how to unite different and already existing platforms.

The project has four demo clusters: northern, southern, western and eastern. Lithuania belongs to northern cluster together with Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland. The main goal of this cluster is to create flexibility register that could help to integrate flexibility needs in different markets and enable grid operation through usage of different flexibility services.

Flexibility services are a backbone for a future distribution system operator like ESO. Therefore, ESO is eager to contribute to OneNet project and develop foundation for flexibility services in Lithuania.

Please find more information about OneNet project here:

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