Distributed flexibility development in Lithuania (ESO-Piclo use case)

Posted by Ina Vaitiekutė

ESO invites all interested market parties to participate in the meeting on flexibility services and the pilot of the flexibility market platform organized by ESO & Piclo on May 12th.

ESO is currently preparing a concept for flexibility services and invites the market to actively participate in the development of this concept. In order to introduce the market with not only the idea of flexibility services, but also to the principle of acquiring / selling these services, ESO is organizing a meeting with Piclo, the leading independent marketplace for flexible energy systems, to present the topic and answer any questions that may arise.

Who is invited to join the meeting? - All companies that look beyond energy consumption / production to meet basic needs but also want to make better use of their resources and discover new business opportunities. Providers of flexibility services includes but is not limited to companies with assets such as fleets of electric vehicles, storage, generators, renewables and demand side response.

The event will be held in English.

You can register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/distributed-flexibility-development-in-lithuania-eso-piclo-use-case-tickets-332840363487

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